As EASYdoesit, we are committed to a low-emission, resource-saving and climate-friendly production method based on the 3R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Our production office has been carbon neutral since 2018 and all productions adhere to our Green Production Guidelines.


We live values such as transparency, trust and fairness.
… consciously produce at low emissions and resource friendly.
… exclusively serve vegeterian catering on set.
… of course, communicate non-violently and solution-orientated.
… make our climate-friendly way of production visible.
… support  regional and international social projects as well as climate protection projects.


With our partners and clients, we communicate and work fairly, trustfully, appreciative and professionally together.

We expect them to fairly treat their staff.

We prefer regional service providers with a transparent supply chain.

Depending on the production size, we commission a Greenmanager or designate a responsible team member for the selection and implementation of relevant measures out of our EASYdoesit Green Guide.

Our commitment on climate-and resource-friendly film production is based on our cooperation with green film production expert Korina Gutsche – Bluechildfilm.


We, if possible, live in hotels with own sustainability certificate or environment protection concept.
… if possible, transport the team and material emission friendly and effective.
… travel by train within Germany.
… compensate for unavoidable flights with a climate protection certifcate.
… prefer public transportation, Carsharing and environmentally friendly vehicle types and taxi rides.

Equipment and ressource consumption

We use Greenpeaceenergy out of renewable sources in our office.
… shift to LEDs in the office as well as during all productions, if possible.
… use rechargeable batteries.
… consistently pay attention to waste prevention and separation.
… use recycling paper in the office and for all external print orders.
… order ecological sustainable harmless office accessories.
… let promotional items to be produced through fair production by local providers.
… shift to a digital workflow.
… use environmentally friendly and energy efficient technologies and materials, to consistently reduce the consumption of resources such as electricity, water, heat, paper and fuel.
… prefer renting and lending over new purchase.
… early on consider the re- and continued use of materials, costumes and items after production end.  


We eat fair-trade, vegetarian products as well as regional and seasonal.
… use, if possible, reuseable bottles and dishes.
… we, if possible, drink Berlin tap water in the office and studio.
… avoid leftovers and pay attention to waste prevention and separation.

CO2 compensation

We retroactively compensate for all unavoidable CO2-emissions for our office and every production. In collaboration with ClimatePartner we offset all unavoidable CO2 emissions and support regional and worldwide environmentally certified projects which are audited annually by an independent third party. The climate protection projects make an important contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Check the EASYdoesit ClimateID for more details.